Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rescue Update 08.23.08

We just got a new rescue in today...
a little female red dachshund puppy...4 mos. old! Her name is "Tootsie"!

Tootsie's owner was unable to keep her due to some family problems. We don't know much about her original breeder, but we know that she is BEAUTIFUL!!

She's behind on her shots, so she'll get the works over the next several days...deworming starts today...shots start tomorrow...she will then be scheduled for spay and when she's ready she'll move next door to keep up on her housebreaking. We'll keep you posted...

In other news:
  • Jimmy the Beagle is now next door working on his housebreaking. He's the sweetest thing! I hope he finds a home soon!
  • Frankie, the Sharpei/Lab (?) mix puppy, AND one of the beagle/lab puppies are both still here. They are all they're harder to adopt out. It's what is referred to as "Black Dog Syndrome" and is very common in the dog world. Weird, huh? So if you (or someone you know) would love to adopt an ALL BLACK puppy...please have them call us!
  • "Momma" (Beagle/Basset) is still nursing "Chipmunk", her only baby. He is now 6 weeks old, just got his first shot, and is eating a lot on his own. He's at that stage where he wants to eat all of the food he is offered AND eat from Momma too. She'll have to tolerate that for another 2 weeks, until he is fully away from her and ready for adoption. Then she will be spayed and up for adoption as well!
  • CONGRATULATIONS- Napoleon, the Papillon, has gotten a great home with Penny and Jamie, two of our Play N Stay staffers (and friends)! He shares his new home with his 2 doggie siblings: Nellie (a beagle) and KoKo (our very first rescue)!

And there ya have it!

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