Friday, January 9, 2009

Killing Dogs

What is WRONG with people???

Came across a very small shelter within driving distance. Online, they talked about how small & desperate their shelter is AND how sad all these overcrowded dogs and puppies are AND how they work hard to keep from euthanizing, but sometimes have no choice, due to overcrowding.

So we called them.

Intended to offer safe placement for small dogs and puppies, so they wouldn't have to be euthanized.

Couldn't even get that far in the convo.

Here's what I got:
"What KIND of puppies do you sell?"
"You actually WORK with breeders?"
"Call us when you are COMPLETELY out of the puppy business. Otherwise, our board wouldn't be interested."


Less than a minute phone call.

She wasn't interested in hearing that for every dog we rescue from them, that's one less killed at their shelter (or any other shelter) and one less that we sell, that originally came from a breeder. Hello??? Isn't that your shelter's hope???

I've posted about this before (search archives for "Rescue Freaks"). I know rescue folks hate pet stores. But we MUST break this line of thinking and start to think creatively if we REALLY want to save dogs.

If this article angers you, you may be rescue freak.
Ask yourself if you REALLY want to save dogs or if you really want to just hate breeders and pet stores.

Which dogs will have to die, because this lady (and apparently her board) made this judgment?

What she doesn't know is that we had selected 8 dogs and puppies (from their website) that we would be interested in placing if they still needed homes. That's this time. We could probably do that once a month or even more.

Why are they not saying, "Let's find creative ways to keep from killing dogs, even if that means looking at things from a different perspective?"

Traditional shelters aren't working anymore people!!! We've placed 90 Lucky Puppy rescues in less than 4 months...THAT'S 90 FEWER Perky Puppies from Breeders!!!

Let's get it together for the sake of the dogs.

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