OK...so if you've been following along, you know that each spring we struggle with what to do with a VERY slow puppy store (lots of lookers, very few buyers) all summer long. A few weeks back, I asked for your input. We had some good responses, the best suggestions surrounded utilizing volunteers at Play N Stay and trying to keep the store open.
After careful thought, we have decided that idea is likely to not work for us at this time. We are certain that there are available and reliable volunteers out there, but we are VERY dependent on our workers at PNS. If one or both called off or did not come in, we would have a mess on our hands. Perhaps as we grow, we will be able to have a volunteer or two be with 4 or 5 workers, but on most days at PNS, there is only 1 or 2 people on shift at a time. We need everyone to be there and to be on their A-game. And if they aren't, we need to be able to address that. We can set that bar high with our staff, but I'm not sure we have the systems in place to set it that high for volunteers, without compromising reliability. And we can't lower the bar.
But-thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. That may be an idea for 2 or 3 years from now.
So-(drum roll), here's what we are doing...(you may already know, if you've been on the Perky Puppy website)...
We're closing The Perky Puppy for the summer. We're selling out (or at least DRASTICALLY reducing) and will not be open to the public again until mid-August. We will continue to do Special Orders/Special Requests, which is a growing segment of our business. If we do "stock" any puppies, they will be listed on our site and shown BY APPOINTMENT to SERIOUS customers only. We will no longer pay staff to stand here while people just "stop in to look at the puppies". Honestly, we know that's a part of the business, but in the summer it reaches a very unhealthy level, and it doesn't pay the bills. (Of course...I could look into starting a petting zoo and charging admission. Nah! We'll save that for another time and place.)
SO-today is our last open day until fall. We are down to 5 puppies. The price on those puppies is somewhat negotiable. If they don't sell, we will move them to PNS and start housetraining them. They will sell from there for sure.
All of our staff will be working at Play N Stay for the summer. We've got some prety neat stuff happening over there. (Check back for info on Blueberry Facials and Mud Baths.) We think you'll be excited about what's in store! Keep your eyes on the website and the blog. We'll keep you posted. Again, Thank You for your input on this tough dilemma.
We appreciate your business! Have a great summer!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
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