Friday, November 14, 2008


Hi Everyone!

I'm back! It's been a busy season of globe-trotting on behalf of our church, Real Life. In May, we were at a conference in Atlanta (called "Drive 08"). In October, we were back in Atlanta ("Catalyst"). And just this week, I was in Loudonville, Ohio, at a conference called "the sticks".
(Which, by the way, is in "the sticks". This conference was all about churches making a big imact in small towns.)

For those of you who are unaware, Vanessa and I are fun-loving folks who have a blast "doing church" in a whole new way!

Now, most of you know that church is great for folks that like church, or at least like THEIR church. It can be tougher for people who don't understand or don't desire a lot of pomp and circumstance, church lingo, or aren't even sure about this Jesus-guy. These are the folks that Ness and I worry will fall through the cracks...the people who don't like church. So we are always studying and reading and talking with people who specialize in making church "cool".

We currently serve at Real Life UMC in Morristown. We serve coffee in church and play cool, contemporary music from a band that ROCKS!!! We're on the leadership team there and took 13 people with us to "the sticks". We had a lot of fun-being Real People living Real Lives!

Anyway...just wanted to let you know why I was AWOL. We're back now. All of the dogs and puppies were happy to see us.

And just so you know, if you have questions about God, Jesus, church, forgiveness, or need prayer, you can always email us at

Thanks for letting me share!

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