Wanna see the 4-legged love of my life? She's my tired little baby, a Chinese Crested Hairless, named "Calliope". (OK...so she isn't a baby. She's going on 5 years old.) She was so tired tonight from her big week at Play N Stay. Once the day settled down, she just wanted to sleep. Poor girl couldn't get much rest for all the picture-takin'! I LOVE HER!!!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the breed, she was born hairless (except for her head, tail, and feet). It's a double-recessive gene that causes the hairlessness, so she had littermates that were fully furry (called "powder puff"). The hairless gene also causes her to not have a full set of teeth, so her tongue falls out of her mouth on a regular basis. Poor thing. She feels like soft leather and gets sunburned in the summer and cold in the winter if not protected.
She has the SWEETEST temperament of any dog I've ever owned, and I must confess that I would make a complete fool out of myself and would clone her IN A HEARTBEAT if I could afford it!!
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