(Pic: Albert 12-03-08)
Albert was born on June 3, 1993. He arrived to me, 8 weeks later, as a snotty-nosed puppy that was supposed to be put up for sale. (Back then, I didn't know any better about how to buy puppies and we shipped them in from the mid-west, via truck.) (Many of you don't know that for a short period of time, back in the early 90's, I had a puppy store in Martins Ferry. Back then, it was called "Animal Attraction". What a stupid name for a business...)
Anyway-back to the puppy-He was so tiny and was the prettiest cream-colored puppy that I had ever seen. I decided not to "send him back on the truck" and that I could "fix" whatever was causing his snotty nose. I kept him in the house (away from the other puppies) and got an antibiotic for his cold. Of course, I was the one who had to play with him and love on him and keep him entertained. That was tough (did I tell you how cute he was?).
So-here we are-September 17, 2009...16 years later. I put Albert to sleep this morning.
He's seen it all. He's lived in 7 different homes with me and has seen the fiance, the marriage, the divorce, the Martins Ferry puppy store failing, my paramedic training and jobs, the launch of a church, the plans to launch another, the dream of opening another puppy shop, the success of The Perky Puppy, Play N Stay's opening and it's success.
He's seen me happy and sad, and for all intents and purposes, has watched me "grow up". He wasn't around during my childhood, but sometimes I think that growing up through our 20's and 30's is just as important.
Albert loved car rides, cats, and Pupperoni. He loved squeaker toys. And he loved to give you hell if you didn't feed him on time.
Albert's elderly years were spent as the house chihuahua at our dog hotel, Play N Stay Pet Camp. He was demanding ("I wanna go in the office, NOT the living room.") and for years, barked at all of the "intruders" (customers). Everyone loved him: staff, customers, and of course, me.
Occasionally, Albert would trip and fall down and get right back up again. It SUCKS to get old.
Albert's been getting thin and weak over the last few months. He would have good days and bad days. His appetite could often be described as inconsistent and finicky. He was incontinent. The spring in his step was gone. He stopped being himself a long time ago.
This week, Albert began falling a lot. He struggled to get back up and often couldn't. So we made the call to Dr. Steed to have Albert put to sleep.
Here's the part where I tell you that it was the most responsible and loving decision that I could make for him...where I admit that sometimes when we love something we have to set it free. Albert was a prisoner in his body, and he wasn't coming back. I had to do for him what he couldn't do for himself. I love him too much to let him keep falling.
Albert had cottage cheese and Pupperoni for dinner last night, which he gobbled enthusiastically. He got a bath this morning and went for his last car ride, all bundled up in a blue fleece blanket.
He's buried under a tree in the back yard in a nice shady spot. We will miss him.
Rest In Peace Albert. Run free. We love you.