Monday, October 13, 2008

Random Thoughts!

Hello Everyone! I have missed chatting with you in the worst way! Over the last few weeks, I have thought so many times, "Oh-I need to blog about that..." and then never get to do it. So Sorry!! Here's an update:

  • RESCUE PUPPIES: Most of the rescues from the puppy mill have been adopted. By all accounts, they have been healthy and smart. YAY!!! There are a few left. I'll be adjusting pricing soon!
  • OTHER RESCUE PUPPIES: Bruzer and the red mix boys are still here. I may have some good news soon on Bruzer, but ZERO INTEREST in the 2 red boys. Can you help? They are SO nice. We started leash-training this week. I'm waiting for some room at Play N Stay, so they can go over and start their housebreaking.
  • guessed it...Play N Stay is full! YAY!! Have you all seen the commercial on WTOV? It is too cute! Much thanks to all who were present and to our featured house guests Weegee and Angel and their daddy, Bill.
  • The roof is fixed. Not a great color match on the shingles. Not so happy on that part, but who can complain when many people lost their roofs (or homes) in this summer's hurricanes? Not me...just glad to be dry and happy!
  • Went to Atlanta last a conference called Catalyst. It was an AMAZING church and business LEADERSHIP EVENT! Just me and Vanessa and 12,400 of our closest friends!! Laughed, cried, and laughed some more. My body was tired (not much sleep, lots of running, early mornings, and late nights), but my SOUL is refreshed! lOVE IT!
  • Had the chance to get 26 more rescue puppies last week, but had to let another rescue take them, since I was out of town. (The intake process on 26 pups-all in one day-is tremendous!) Bummer!!
  • Momma went to Play N Stay while we were gone (along with our dogs). She was pretty freaked out at first. But she is amazingly resilient and ended up having a good time. We have decided to keep her there for now, so that she will continue to meet new people and face new fears. I'm so proud of her. She still needs a home. If you want a VERY sweet natured dog who gives full-body hugs, email me.
  • BOSLEY-OK...listen up. You guys don't know about Bosley. I've been keeping him a secret for over a month, but he is now ready for adoption. Bosley is a 4 year-old male purebred Shih Tzu (black and white). He was surrendered by his owner for snapping at a little girl (he bruised her when he connected). I don't know why he snapped, but I do know that both of his rear dew claw toenails were curled around into a corkscrew that were digging into his foot. I know that he was unneutered, which can create some very emotional hormone imbalances. I know that he was in full coat, with some VERY tight mats under his ears and around his neck and his butt hairs and pee-pee hairs were not clean at all. I know that his mom loved him, but it's apparent that she wasn't able to keep up with his grooming needs. Were the mats and sore toenails enough to make him cranky? Can't say for sure. He has been groomed, neutered, and allowed to mellow out for the last month. He's a nice dog. No kids please...prefer an older settled home, where he can do his own love and be a lap dog when he wants and not be messed with if he doesn't want. He needs a home where nobody really will push his buttons, poke at him, or push him around. He's been stable for us, but I wouldn't want to tempt fate.

I think that's it for now. I'll update you more later! Talk to you soon!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jess,

I have been reading the posts that have been written on the Lucky Puppies, I am so happy that the little ones have found new homes.

I wanted to give you a thanks on some puppy info. Awhile back I had asked if you ever had chinese crested and you said you didn't get any.

Well I found some online, the price range was $200 to $2,000. I had managed to find one that I could afford. My little guy came from a small town outside of Dayton, Ohio. his name is Gizmo.

I wish there were more people that could love these little dogs enough like I do.

My Gizmo, is a sweet heart and he is learning to live with a cat. I would send pictures if I knew how to load them to my pc.

Thanks once again for the info. The chinese crested is truly a beautiful dog rather it is a hairless or powderpuff.
