Friday, March 27, 2009

Memorial Donation

Thank you to Darlene Kolodziej. She recently made a memorial donation to The Lucky Puppy in honor of Maxine Greiner.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

It's Been Awhile/Dilemma!

Hey Everybody!

It's been awhile since we've talked. Sorry about that! I have been juggling everything to the best of my ability and just haven't gotten to blog much.

We've been analyzing and re-thinking a lot of what we do around here and why we do it...I think that's always a good thing to do...otherwise, we get into the habit of just doing things because it's what we do, not because it even makes sense anymore.

(Maybe you should consider starting a "stop-doing" list. Eh?)

Anywhoo...we are nearing the dreaded Perky Puppy Summer Slump. It's that time of year that causes us great anxiety. "Why?" you ask. Well, I'm glad you asked. I'll tell you why:

Every summer, the puppy business sinks like a rock. Just completely tanks. Apparently, most people are camping, swimming, boating, fishing, vacationing, cook out, etc. They really aren't looking at adding a new puppy to their life. So, we spend everything we made during the winter to stay open during the summer. So basically, we eat hamburgers in the winter (which we are always glad to see coming), and we eat beanee-weenees all summer. That's just no fun.

AND to top it off, it's crazy at Play N Stay, there are barely enough of us to keep it all covered without killing ourselves, and we keep trying to make it look like we still have a thriving puppy store, even when it's the bad season.

For a few years, before we had staff and Play N Stay, we just enjoyed the summer and sold puppies to the few people who called. That's been tougher in recent years, since we have staff who depend on their paychecks.

2 years ago, we tried keeping everything going without blinking. BAD IDEA.

Last year, we tried to go to "Open By Appointment Only". A better idea, but feeding, cleaning, and playing with the puppies everyday (even just 10 or 12), and keeping them all current on vaccinations was still expensive, since we were often next door at Play N Stay and had to "pay someone to be us" here with the puppies.

So...what should we do this year?

That's the dilemma.

Option #1: Close TPP for the summer, doing only special order puppies. Reopen mid-fall. Move all staff to Play N Stay for the summer, since we need extra help there. There are several successful businesses that operate this way. (Most extreme examples of seasonal businesses-Jamboree in the Hills or the Famous Houston's Chicken)
Option #2: Close TPP for the summer, carry a small number of select breeds (less than 6). Integrate them into Play N Stay's population. Hours on those puppies by appointment only. Pros: Still selling puppies...staff have to be there anyway. Cons: During the summer, it's hectic at PNS...don't need more work.

So-what do you think? What would you do if you were us? Can you think of something we haven't thought of? We want to hear from you. Email us at

Thanks in advance. Well be making a decision soon! We'll keep you posted!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Perky Puppy is now on Twitter!

We're now on Twitter! Don't know what Twitter is? That's ok...we didn't either until recently, but it's VERY cool! Here's how it works:

1. Follow us on twitter @theperkypuppy (Just click on the link and create your account.)
2. Set your new twitter account to notify you on your email or cell phone.
3. As new puppies arrive or prices are reduced, we will update our twitter account, and you will receive an update on your cell phone and/or email immediately.

YOU WILL BE THE FIRST TO KNOW! How cool is that??

Friday, March 6, 2009


WOW! We're all booked up this weekend at Play N Stay, but the big play group looks funny because there are a BUNCH of Dachshunds! Today's group includes the following doxies: Louie, Oscar, Lucy, Charlie, and Josie!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Thank you to Dr. Marvin & Michele Steed for memorial donations in honor of "Libby" Carter and "Bronco" Toothman.

If you would like to make a memorial donation in honor of a loved one (2-legged or 4-legged), you can mail it to:
The Lucky Puppy
67740 Airport Road
St. Clairsville, OH 43950

100% of your donation will go to care for rescued dogs and puppies.

Thank you!

Rescue Update

Duke went home today. He got a really good home...I think it will be a great fit.

Dexter is adopted and will go home on Sunday. He is a bit quirky, which his new owners understand. As with all of our adoptions, they will have a 7 day trial period with him. We are planning to keep in close touch with them, but think they both deserve a shot.

JOSIE is a 3 year old female, spayed black & tan smooth dachshund. She is housebroken and up to date on her shots. She loves to bully other dogs and is not patient with children, SO we want a home for her with an older person(s), with no other pets. In that environment, she will be PERFECT! She wants to sit on the couch with someone and be their best friend.

BlackJack is a small (35#) black lab mix. He is up to date on his shots and is neutered. He came from a beautiful family with young kids. They travel so much, they decided that he would do better with someone else. BlackJack is phenomenal with kids and is grieving his family. He is timid, but polite. It would be an absolute disservice to him and a family if he went to a family without children. He was housebroken for his original family, but has slid backwards for us. He needs someone to love him and to reinforce what they want from him.

We also have a Pom puppy and a Shih Tzu/Yorkie puppy available for rescue.

To see any of these guys, please give us a call at 740-695-4566.

Thanks! Please spread the word!