Wednesday, November 26, 2008


GOLDIE GOT A HOME!! That's right! Today at 5 PM, a couple from Weirton got her! She will have a Happy Thanksgiving FOR SURE!! YAY!!!!!!

There are 10 rescues, 19 Perky Puppies, and 17 Play N Stay Pet Campers spending Thanksgiving with us! Add in our 4 dogs and that brings us to 50 dogs to be with on Thanksgiving! How much do you wish you were me??!!?? I'll have more hugs and kisses tomorrow than most people get in a year!!! (Of course, I will smell like a dog, but fortunately, they don't mind!)

Oh...and while you're thinking about all of that...chew on this:

There are 92 rescue puppies available to us next week. Yes...I said, "92".

How many will we take? Not sure yet. Depends on what sells on Friday and Saturday and how much cage space is available. I've lowered the price on all existing rescues to increase the likliehood of their successful adoption. If there's one you've been watching, you better check out the website and plan to be HERE on Black Friday!

I'll have to decide on the rescues on Sunday. PLEASE do not let that keep you from adopting. We don't want you to hold out, waiting to see if there is something "better", because there will be less rescues available if nobody adopts these guys.

Thank you everyone for your support! Can't wait to see what next Thanksgiving looks like!!


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